Guest: Dr. Robert Mays is the Co-founder and Vice President of Regenerative Medicine and Head of Neuroscience Programs at Athersys Inc. He focuses on Athersys' proprietary stem cell product, MultiStem®, and…
Intro: In early 2018, STEMCELL Technologies put out a call for scientists to visit their Vancouver facilities and peer review them against their company motto of “Scientists Helping Scientists”. Out…
Guest: Peter Lengyel is the co-founder and “Beer Commander” of Kings County Beer Collective in Brooklyn, NY. Pete managed big name laboratories at Rockefeller University, UCSF and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals but…
Guest: For the interview portion of the show of our 100th episode, we welcome Kevin McCormack from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine, or CIRM, to talk about all of…
Guest: We bring on Mark Post, professor of vascular physiology at the Maastricht University. Dr. Post is an innovator, being the creator of the world’s first lab grown hamburger. Mark’s…