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Ep. 194: “Evolution of Stemness Control and Multicellularity” Featuring Dr. Emma Hammarlund

By June 1, 2021March 29th, 2023No Comments


Dr. Emma Hammarlund is an Associate Professor at the Division of Translational Cancer Research at Lund University. Her lab investigates how the rise of animals on Earth relates to the evolution of stemness control. They use both geobiology and tumor biology to explore the evolutionary roots of animal health and disease.

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The Stem Cell Science Round Up

Cardioids That Beat – Scientists generated self-organizing cardiac organoids with hollow chambers that can contract rhythmically, like a heartbeat.

Fluorescence Imaging with Low Phototoxicity – Researchers used high-speed, high-resolution 3D imaging to observe inter- and intracellular interactions on a millisecond scale.

An Atlas Charting Human Development – Scientists generated a multi-organ, single-cell transcriptome atlas and used it to compare organ and organoid development.

Rescuing Neurogenesis in Alzheimer’s– Researchers found that increasing miR-132, a microRNA downregulated in Alzheimer’s, restored neurogenesis and memory deficits in a mouse model.

Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Emma Hammarlund

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