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DevelopmentEmbryo Models

Ep. 267: “Embryo Morphogenesis” Featuring Dr. Shankar Srinivas



Dr. Shankar Srinivas is a Professor of Developmental Biology in the Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics based in the Institute for Developmental and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Oxford. He is also a Zeitlyn Fellow and Tutor in Medicine at Jesus College. Using mouse and human embryos as model systems, his group looks at the control of patterning and morphogenesis during the establishment of the anterior-posterior axis, gastrulation, and early cardiogenesis.  He discusses how tissues respond to forces during early development, characterizing cardiac progenitors, and training internationally.

Featured Products and Resources:

The Stem Cell Science Round Up

Rat Forebrain Tissues in Mice – Reconstituted rat forebrains in mice exhibit normal structure and function.

Interspecies Neural Circuits – Rat stem cells develop in mouse blastocysts to broadly populate two-species brains.

Human Embryo Compaction – Researchers mapped cell surface tensions during compaction.

Cell Crowding in the Stem Cell Epithelium – In human embryonic stem cells, cellular crowding leads to the blockade of FGFR1 endocytosis.

Image Courtesy of Dr. Shankar Srinivas

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