Guest: Dr. Nicolas Rivron leads the Laboratory for Synthetic Embryology at the MERLN Institute for technology-driven regenerative medicine and at the Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research.…
Guest: Neurologist and researcher Dr. Mark Freedman discusses his research, including a new discovery and treatment for multiple sclerosis using stem cells. (more…)
Guest: Stem cell researcher Dr. Danwei Huangfu discusses her work and latest paper in Cell Stem Cell. Her team used CRISPR technology to genetically manipulate human pluripotent stem cells and induce…
Guest: Dr. Scott Noggle, VP of Stem Cell Research at The New York Stem Cell Foundation discusses his automated system for making iPS cells. Dr. Noggle applies new advances in…
Guest: Dr. Ginger Campbell, host of the brain science podcast, joins the SCP where we discuss her podcast and different "brainy" topics. We close the show ranting about the iPhone…