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Ep. 122: “Cord Blood Cells” Featuring Dr. David Knapp and Colin Hammond

By July 31, 2018March 29th, 2023No Comments


Dr. David Knapp is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford. Colin Hammond is a graduate student in Dr. Connie Eaves’ lab at the BC Cancer Agency. Dr. David Knapp and Colin Hammond talk about their recent publication in Nature Cell Biology regarding stem cell populations in cord blood cells.

Featured Resource: Webinar: Re-Creating Disease with Kidney Organoids and CRISPR

Resources and Links

Anti-CRISP Protein Production – Phages produce Anti-CRISPR proteins (Acr-proteins) that battle the bacterial defense system.

Evidence of Oldest Life On Land – Scientists found evidence of terrestrial microbial life that they estimate is about 3.22 billion years old.

Hybrid Embryos of Endangered White Rhinos – Scientists are using artificial reproductive technology to inject a northern white rhino sperm cell into a southern white rhino egg, creating one of the first rhino embryos in a lab.

The Most Complete Look at a Fruit Fly’s Brain Cells – Using high-speed electron microscopy, scientists took 21 million nanoscale-resolution images of the brain of Drosophila melanogaster to capture every one of the 100,000 nerve cells that it contains.

Mutational Burden’ of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells – Researchers have scrutinized the whole genome sequences of 18 induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from skin cells that they had reprogrammed to identify and characterize somatic mutations.

Creating Artificial EmbryosAn international team of scientists have revealed that they used cells from mice to develop an embryo-like structure without the act of fertilization.

Bioreactor-Based Method to Generate Kidney Organoids  – New treatments for kidney diseases and inherited kidney disorders could result from new research that is revolutionizing the way human kidney tissue is grown from stem cells.

Functional Dissection of The Enhancer Repertoire – Scientists combined chromatin immunoprecipitation with a massively parallel reporter assay (ChIP-STARR-seq) to identify functional enhancers in human embryonic stem cells (ESCs).

Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. David Knapp 

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