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Dr. Benoit Bruneau is the Director of the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease. His lab uses mouse models and human iPSCs to investigate the transcription factor networks that regulate sets of genes critical for heart development.
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The Stem Cell Science Round Up
New Bone Grafts from Stem Cells – Researchers have identified a highly osteogenic MSC line derived from iPSCs that generates large amounts of osteogenic matrix, which acts as a scaffold during bone regeneration.
Melanoma Cells Transdifferentiate into Endothelial Cells – Melanoma cells have been found that reside in a quiescent state in intravascular niches of metastatic organs, and acquire endothelial features.
Modeling Neurodegeneration in Glaucoma – Scientists have developed a model to study the neurodegeneration that occurs with glaucoma by using retinal ganglion cells derived from hPSCs that were engineered with a glaucoma-causing mutation.
Targeting Senescence-Related Diseases with CAR T – Investigators designed CAR T cells that effectively eliminated senescent cells, demonstrating the potential of CAR T therapy for senescence-associated diseases.
Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Benoit Bruneau