Guest: Dr. Marius Wernig from Stanford University talks about his work with stem cells and his latest paper published in Science Translation on using iPCs to treat a serious skin…
Guest: Dr. Malin Parmar to talk about her latest paper in Cell Stem Cell regarding Parkinson’s disease. This paper is very important and made main stream news everywhere. (more…)
Guest: Senior editor at Cell Stem Cell, Dr. Christina Lilliehook shares with us what goes on as an editor of a top tier science journal. In addition to a behind…
Reference: The Stem Cell Person of the Year is an award created by Paul Knoepfler, Ph.D. author of the Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blog which can be found at The…
Guest: In this episode we welcome Nobel Prize winning scientist, Dr. Harold Varmus. We talk with Dr. Varmus about a range of topics in the realm of biomedical research as…
Guest: Dr. Ginger Campbell, host of the brain science podcast, joins the SCP where we discuss her podcast and different "brainy" topics. We close the show ranting about the iPhone…